Sunday, May 12, 2013


Something is up with K. She just called me, and she had a scared tone to her voice. She started coughing halfway through the conversation, and at first it wasnt so bad, but it got worse, alot worse. From a occasional cough, to so bad I could barely understand what she was saying. close to the end she screamed oh shit, and I heard her running to another room, and turning on water. She started coughing again, and screamed no no no into the phone. Scared the shit out of me. When I asked what was wrong I just heard her mumble something. I said what, and she screamed, then hung up the phone. I'm extremely freaked out by this, and I dont know what to do.


  1. D: How close are you to her house? Could you get there now? Take a weapon with you if you can.

  2. Replies
    1. Only one word describes my reaction to this.
