Thursday, May 2, 2013

Slendy Man Hipster?

Parks are fun don't you think? I mean, they used to be. The childhood place of safety that soon turned into a place of horrors. Yesterday I was like you know what? Fuck the great and powerful S man. And proceeded to go to a park alone. That is never a good idea my lovelies. What is it with Jared and parks anyway? Is he like some pedo that watches kids play, and just so happens to be there when you are? Maybe its just me. Jared was at this park alone too. No weapons, or henchmen, or blah blah whatever the heck he usually has. He didn't try to kill me or anything, just talk. Maybe he just hates K? Sexist bastard.... Never did treat girlies the same as bros. No difference really, just the missing body part, and a bit more emotional, but in his book different none the less. And I'm getting off subject again.(sorry everyone, my mind tends to wander sometimes) So he sat with me and talked. Said sorry for knocking me out the last time we met, and caught up with me a bit. I swear I kept thinking he would try to kill me at any minute, like he does with K. He asked me why I keep running from good ole slendy, and told me to abandon the bitch and join him. I know people always say bros before hoes... but just no. I cant imagine leaving K. I really like her alot, as a friend and a leader. Shes really strong and shit. Not just physically, but mentally too. Alot more than me that's for sure. Don't tell her I said this, but I kinda like her more than just as a friend. No way I would let her know. Who needs love at a time like this, she would probably laugh at me anyway. So back on subject, I basically told Jared to fuck off, and started to leave, but he said just think about it and get back to me. One funny point of our conversation, where for a split second I thought I had my old friend back, was when he said " You know not to sound like a hipster or anything but I liked slenderman before it was cool bro."
 Aha........your welcome :)

1 comment:

  1. ah you like me? thats kinda cute.yeah we should totally plan a date bashing Jared's face in together.
